30.12.2014 Alpamayo Peruano
Our "Steta" (Alpamayo Peruano) went over the rainbow bridge 30.12.2014. He was an amazing dog, who will stay in our hearts forever. We will miss you, boy!
23. 10. 2014 European Dog Show Brno
Canchis Itarom - veteran class - Exc.1, European Veteran Winner, BOV
Alma Arequipa Peruano - veteran class - Exc.1, European Veteran Winner
4.10.2014 Regional show Praha - Dbán
Canchis Itarom - veteran class - Exc.1, Veteran class winner
Alma Arequipa Peruano - veteran class - Exc.1, Veteran class winner
31.8.2014 - IDS Mladá Boleslav
Canchis Itarom - champion class - Exc.1, CAC, Res.CACIB
Alma Arequipa Peruano - veteran class - Exc.1, BOV
4. 5. 2014 - International dog show Praha
Alma Arequipa Peruano - veteran class - Exc.1, BOV
Canchis Itarom - champúion class - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB
Alma and Canchis - 4th place in brace competition.
3. 5. 2014 - Club show KCHN ČR Praha
Canchis Itarom - Exc.1, 2nd BIS of honour class
Alma Arequipa Peruano - Exc.1, BOV, 2nd BIS veteran
Alma and Canchis - 2nd place in braces competition.
28. 3. 2014 our Blue Berry Slezský celebrated 14th birthday
Berouek, we wish you all the best and we hope you will stay with us for long time!