Our coated peruvian Bahuaja Sonene Peruano successfully passed breeding test. She is brood bitch now. Her code is ABC/0/D1/13. Height 56 cm and weight 25,8 kg. D1 means unerrected ears - it is her only fault. Bahuaja is the very first registered brood bitch in the Czech Republic. We are very happy and proud...
6. 10. 2013
For the first time ever coated peruvian hairless dog was judged at IDS Ceske Budejovice in the Czech Republic. It was our Bahuaja Sonene Peruano. She did well, not affraid of anything and happily wagged her tail in the ring. She was awarded as very good as her ears are not errected.
14. 8. 2013 - Health tests
Canchis Itarom - test of genetical eye deseases - clinical clear
Alma Arequipa Peruano - test of genetical eye deseases - clinical clear
21.5.2013 - Beautiful Myrat Peruano became Czech Champion
5.5.2013 - IDS Prague
Beautiful Myrat Peruano - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB
12. 1. 2013 - Dog of the year 2012
Canchis Itarom - 3rd place in FCI group V