Peruvian hairless dog
Perro sin pelo del Peru

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2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007

29.12. 2011 Aron od Zátoky went over the rainbow bridge.
We will miss him so much, he was our first peruvian who made us into this breed.

Aron, thank you for those 14 and half years we spent together.
peruánský naháč

peruvian hairless dog

10. 12. 2011 - Beautiful Myrat Peruano (owner Míša Doležalová) was succesfully registered as a brood bitch with code AAC/0/B2/11
(B2 means that Myrat is missing one incisor). Congrats, Misa!
peruvian hairless dog

6. 11. 2011 - International dog show in Prague
Canchis Itarom Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB
Beautiful Myrat Peruano (own. Míša Doležalová) Exc.1, CAJC
Alma Arequipa Peruano Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU

Final competitions:
Canchis Itarom was on 4th place in FCI V group.
peruvian hairless dog

5. 11. 2011 - Club Show KCHN ČR
Ch. Canchis Itarom (honout class) - Exc.1
Beautiful Myrat Peruano (own. Míša Doležalová) - Exc.1, CAJC
Ch. Alma Arequipa Peruano (honour class) - Exc.1

Final competitions:
Alma a Canchis - 2nd place in Brace competition
Canchis Itarom - BIS of honour classes

28.10.2011 - kennel Luramion ( has two medium sized peruvian hairless puppies for sale.
Coated male Filip and hairless female Farah, who is suitable for shows - both puppies have no falths and have nice character.
peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog

30. 8. 2011 - Health test
Canchis Itarom - Eye test - clinical clear, certificate
Alma Arequipa Peruano - Eye test - clinical clear, certificate

28. 7. 2011 - International dog show Mlada Boleslav
Callientes Peruano (own. Dominika Boďová) very promissing 1
Canchis Itarom Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU
Beautiful Myrat Peruano (own. Míša Doležalová) Exc.1, CAJC, JBOB, BOB
Alma Arequipa Peruano Exc.1, CAC

Beautiful Myrat Peruano shined at final competitions:
The Best Junior in FCI group V
3rd place BIS Junior
3rd place in BIG
peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog

17. 7. 2011 National dog show in Mladá Boleslav
Aron od Zátoky - veteran class (14 years) Exc.1, BOV
Callientes Peruano (own. D.Boďová) - puppy class VP 1st
Canchis Itarom - champion class - Exc.1, CAC, National winner, CAC ČMKU, BOB
Alma Arequipa Peruano - champion class - Exc.1, CAC, National winner, CAC ČMKU

Final competitions:
Callientes was picked up among TOP 7 puppies of the show.
Canchis Itarom was num. 4 in group.

14. 5. 2011 - Special show KCHN CR
Ch. Alma Arequipa Peruano (honour class) - Exc.1, 2nd BIS honour class

31.3.2011 All puppies from our kennel are with their new owners.

15.2.2011 - New photos in age of 7 weeks
Author is again Jan Šimeček. Many thanks!

21.2.2011 New photos in age of 4 weeks
On the page "Puppies".

11.2.2011 - Pictures in age of 3 weeks

8.2.2011 - Pictures in age of 16 days

15. 1. 2011 Calista gave birth of 2 puppies - 2 hairless males.

9.1.2011 - Uqllu Calista de Bodhisattva is pregnant
More info in "Puppies".

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